Sunday, November 7, 2010


Woke up today with super tight calves and a sore knee, even though I iced it yesterday several times.  We did walk around all day at the Austin Celtic Festival but I wore appropriate shoes and felt fine then, thinking actually that may help my tight calves.

Well, just cleaning and running errands today so plenty of time to stretch my legs and ice the knee before tomorrow's run.

I must reveal however the crap I ate yesterday because I feel so guilty.  I had three Harps, a cheesy brat from actual Scottish Highland cows, a big corn dog, sweet potato fries, and oh yeah a salad for dinner.  Ugh.  No wonder I am not losing weight. But it was a festival and so much fun!!

I just hope I don't feel like this tomorrow afternoon when I run with sore knee and full of fried goodness!


  1. So great that you started a blog! I started one when we moved abroad to help me with the stress and adjustment. Blogging is great therapy. Glad we can connect now through our blogs. Miss you!
