Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Cold. Sore.

This post will be mostly me bitching about my hideous cold sores.  But first, I will discuss Monday's run.

I went to the trails after work.  The knee feels great. My legs feel great. The rest of me was screaming 'why god whhhyyyyy'.  I don't understand!!  I ran 45 mins and made it just fine but felt like I was going to die.  I hope that I get my grove back soon.  I am running tomorrow morning and then Saturday will be the first group run I have been to since knee crisis. I am very very nervous. It is a 9 miler. I know I can do it but think I will have to go to one of the 11 min miler groups because the way I have been feeling the past week (out of shape) I don't know if I can do the whole 9 with my 10:45 min mile group.  I am sort of depressed about it but my goal is to run it all and so what how slow. I still have almost 2 months before the race to build up speed.  I hope the slower group accepts me. I like my other group but since it's been 3-4 weeks since I have been they probably forgot me.  sob sob.

Now, on to the cold sore. I have been cursed with these stupid things since I had mono at the age of 19.  I got them with the virus and now get them when I get stressed and pms.  Sometimes it'll be a year between them and sometimes I'll get them every month for 3-4 months in a row. I have meds to help but if I wake up with one there isn't much the meds can do except dry them out quicker. It's gross and I feel like I look like a leper or a whore.  Ahhh.

Normally I just deal with it but tomorrow I start my new job and the law firm. I am excited but nervous too because I want to impress them and not have them regret seeking me out and hiring me the same day of my interview without interviewing anyone else.  LOT OF PRESSURE. I have to kick ass!

So I have like 3 cold sores and that is going to be a great first day impression and they may not want me around clients now or even LOOK at me!  Ugh.  I know, I am being ridiculous but they are really disgusting.  First day impressions are every thing!!  Apparently my MS shots make them increase...my father-in-law who is a doctor and also suffers from them explained but I won't go into that.

I am going to go running before work since I don't have to go in tomorrow until 8:30 when the other legal assistant gets there and can train me. Right now I feel fat (from not running during the knee crisis, slow running now, eating crap),  and ugly (cold sores, bad hair) . I need to pull it together and be confident on the outside even if I am not on the inside, which I can do with grace and dignity.  Hopefully the morning run will help.  It's all in my head, I know this!!  Waaa, waaa.

So, to make myself feel better I looked up pictures of celebrities that have cold sores!!  I don't like any of these people but it is making me feel better!!!

Posh Spice, with a big one!  And she's still pretty.

Katie Holmes, dang girl...those are worse than mine!

And Paris Hilton, not too bad...but she IS a slut.


  1. You are hilarious! I'm sure that you can sue them if they let you go because of a cold sore. Just think of all the money you will get if the day turns out crappy :-)

  2. Don't be so hard on yourself! You'll be great with both the running and the new job!!

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