Monday, November 22, 2010

Back in the saddle again...sort of

I am off work today.  I have one personal holiday left and the County will not pay me for it so my kind supervisor told me to use it before my last day.  We are slower this week with the upcoming holiday.  I feel sort of guilty but hey, they suggested it!

So this morning was the perfect time to try out the ol' knee.  I was hoping I would feel like this, being so happy to get back out there, 'back in the saddle again'...

But it was more like this:

Over all it was good. My knee was great while running, but sore afterward. I am icing right now.  I did just a nice easy 30 mins.  My legs remember and are still in shape. But it was the rest of me!  I got cramps, I wasn't breathing properly and I felt like a big linebacker was in front of me I was trying to push along while I ran.  But I think I will be okay.

Because I am still paranoid about the knee I may alternate cross-training with running this week. So tomorrow I plan to do the Elliptical, then run, bike/Elliptical etc. until I feel okay.  But, if the knee continues to heal and do better I will be fine.  I feel like I lost some speed but that's okay, right now my goal is to just be able to run!!!

Some other personal things are going on with our family and I was very stressed this morning so I think that was why my breathing was off.  Also, I went down to the trail at 9am and all the skinny housewives were out there in their tight clothes.  There were so many out there today...I felt fat and slow but I know it will get better!! Just pray the knee continues to get better.

Over all, feeling positive though.  Happy to be back out there!!  Plan to get a pedicure and do a little sale shopping today (if Jon lets me...haaaaaaaaaaa)

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